Render Cleaning North London

Herts Pressure Washing provide a professional ‘low pressure’ service for all types of London ‘K rend’ cleaning, North London monocouche render cleaning, silicone render cleaning, exterior wall insulating render, sand and cement render cleaning, pebbledash cleaning and ‘Sto render’ cleaning around the North London area.

Over time, rendered surfaces become discoloured with green or black algae, and this can be safely removed via a process called ‘Softwashing’.  This is where a biocidal chemical is gently applied to the surface using a pole and brush, rather than aggresive pressure washing, so as to ensure your delicate rendered surface isn’t damaged when cleaning it.

Painted walls which have gone green with algae can also be cleaned and removed in one easy treatment with no need for pressure washing which may damage paintwork.

Please feel free to Contact Us for more information regarding this specialised service.

Render Cleaning North London

London Render Cleaning